How to keep your dog cool during summers?

Summers give you an opportunity to go on an outing and enjoy adventures with your pet. It is the perfect time to bond with your dog and take long walks. However, if the heat is getting too much and the heatwaves are making it uncomfortable for your little buddy to be out, you ought to do something about it. You need to take steps like getting a tower AC home to protect it from the heat, or else he may fall sick. You should also consider the humidity levels outside since even low temperatures can feel a bit much in high humid areas. So, here are some tips that you must follow to help keep your buddy cool during summers. Here you go! Tips to keep your dog cool during summers 1. Keep the dog indoors: One of the best and easiest ways to keep your dog cool in summers is to keep him indoors, either with the windows open or air conditioning. It is so because being out can make your dog suffer from a heatstroke. It may make him vomit, collapse, or lose consciousness. So, it would help i...